Jan. 28, 2018 – I thought today would be a catch up day but things have a way of changing – as...
Trips to Uganda
Each year, CHC/HF volunteer Roberta Spencer travels to Uganda to work with PCAU. While there, Roberta performs many duties, including working with the Road to Hope program, helping out in the office, and going out to visit patients. It is also an opportunity for her to see the many friends she has made over the years. Her trips help to make the partnership between CHC/HF and PCAU as strong as it is. Check out the highlights from her most recent trip.
Leadership Retreat Ends
Jan. 25, 2018 – We saw the children off this morning, each to their own Districts. Some will travel for 10 hours...
Leadership Retreat
Jan. 24, 2018 – This will be brief. The camp is still going on into the night – because you know teens have...
Never a Dull Day!
Jan 22, 2018 – It has been awhile since I have communicated. There is never a dull day. They are active and...
To Meat, or not to Meat
Jan. 18. 2018 – Last week at this time I was finalizing my packing for my travels – The time goes by...
Full Days – and Surprises
Jan. 16, 2018 – Already it seems like I have been here longer than a couple of days! They have been full...
Jan. 15, 2018 – All of you should know by now that when I use this “salutation” for a letter it’s regarding...