Ways to Give 2022
Center for Hospice Care (CHC) is a community-based, not-for-profit organization improving the quality of living through hospice, home health, grief counseling, and community education. Chances are that your family or someone you know has benefitted from our services.
As the supporting foundation of CHC, Hospice Foundation offers a variety of opportunities to support these services. Each gift we receive makes a difference in the lives of the patients and families that we serve. With your support, we can continue “to improve the quality of living” for those in the communities we serve.
Annual Giving is an area where general gifts can be made to Hospice Foundation and our yearly appeals. Giving to the Area of Greatest Need gives us the flexibility to use the funds on our most critical projects or initiatives. The Sister Carmel Helping Hands Fund helps us keep our promise that no one eligible for hospice care will be turned away due to an inability to pay.
- Donate to Area of Greatest Need
- Donate to the 2022 Friends of Hospice
- Donate to the Sister Carmel Helping Hands Fund
- Make an In-kind Donation
Giving to Hospice Foundation can include donations other than cash. Giving property or other material goods can benefit both the giver and Hospice Foundation as it supports the work of Center for Hospice Care. The IRS has specific regulations dealing with gifts in kind that are more than $5,000. We suggest working closely with a tax advisor in planning in-kind gifts of this size or larger. Contact Chris Taelman for more information.
Donating to Hospice Foundation’s Capitol funds helps us complete construction projects and maintain our owned facilities in Mishawaka, Elkhart and Roseland.
- Donate to the Ernestine M. Raclin House
- Donate to the Elkhart Campus
- Donate to Milton Village
The creation of endowments guarantees annual income to maintain existing programs and allows for the creation of new ones. Given that many of our long-standing community programs are offered to the public at no charge, they can benefit greatly from endowment support. Programs with established endowment funds are:
- Life Transition Center for bereavement counseling
- Camp Evergreen
- After Images Art Counseling
- “We Honor Veterans” Program
- Pediatric Hospice Program
- Underserved Communities Outreach
- Caregiver Training Center
A bequest or other planned gift to the Hospice Foundation leaves a legacy of caring that extends beyond your lifetime. The opportunities available may allow you to make significant gifts with favorable tax consequences. Investing money in a way that allows you to receive benefits during your lifetime while the remaining funds go to the Hospice Foundation after your death is another possibility.
The Hospice Foundation has partnered with FreeWill to give you a free tool to create your will and legacy at no cost. You can use this resource on its own or use it in conjunction with an attorney or financial planner to determine your needs and how best to make a planned gift. To learn more about planned gifts and FreeWill contact Chris Taelman at taelmanc@cfhcare.org or 574.243.3713
Since 2008, Center for Hospice Care and the Hospice Foundation have been partnered – through Global Partners in Care – with the Palliative Care Association of Uganda to help improve the availability and quality of hospice care across Uganda. During this effort, we realized a need to support children who are orphaned after serving as caregivers for a terminally ill parent. The Road to Hope program was created to meet this need.
In 2017, Center for Hospice Care and the Hospice Foundation assumed ownership of the Global Partners in Care program and now oversee partnerships similar to ours, with a mission to support compassionate care where the need is great and resources are few by enhancing access to hospice and palliative care worldwide.
There are many ways to make a gift in memory of or in honor of a loved one.
There are multiple Naming Opportunities available at our owned facilities in Mishawaka, Elkhart and Roseland.
- Mishawaka Naming Opportunities
- Elkhart Naming Opportunities
- Milton Adult Day Services Naming Opportunities
Corporate or personal sponsorship of Hospice Foundation events such as the Helping Hands Award Dinner or the Circle of Caring Award Dinner promotes your visibility in the communities we serve and highlights your dedication to making our community a better place to live by supporting our promise that nobody eligible for hospice services will ever be turned away, regardless of their ability to pay.
To learn more about sponsoring and event, contact Chris Taelman at 574-243-3713 or TaelmanC@foundationforhospice.org.
The Hospice Foundation is grateful for the generosity and hard work of many companies and organizations that support its mission through the independent fundraising efforts, grantsmanship and donations. Third-Party Giving opportunities include:
- Third-Party Events: a fundraising event put on by a community partner that benefits Center for Hospice Care/Hospice Foundation. As time and circumstances allow we are pleased to help publicize and attend these types of events. If you are interested in hosting a third-party event contact Red Fisher at 574-243-3119 or FisherR@FoundationForHospice.org
- Workplace Giving Program: Workplace giving programs benefit not only Center for Hospice Care/Hospice Foundation, but your organization and its employees. These programs build employee engagement and morale, boost the community in which they operate and are viewed as good corporate citizens. Please contact Chris Taelman at 574-243-3713 or TaelmanC@FoundationForHospice.org.