Educational Webinars
We will be presenting a series of Bereavement Webinars through Hospice Foundation of America throughout the year. See below for the webinars available at this time.
For webinars with CEU options, you may either pay online, or bring a check made payable to “Hospice Foundation.”
May 15, 2018
Healthcare professionals and family members often report witnessing unusual or unexpected responses when a person is nearing death. This program will explore phenomena such as terminal lucidity, near death experiences, nearing death awareness, and other end-of-life phenomena, and how clinicians can handle such experiences.
June 19, 2018
Attachment-informed grief therapy enriches an understanding of how and why individuals grieve and how they can be helped. This webinar will review attachment-informed grief therapy and explore the ways attachment styles mediate mourning and influence the therapeutic process.
July 17, 2018
Many college students and emerging adults face their significant loss just as they are striving for independence and autonomy, often far from their normal support systems. This program will focus on effective strategies for supporting this population through the unique challenges they face.
August 21, 2018
Grieving people may experience surprising and unsettling emotions after death including jealousy, guilt and shame. This webinar will offer interventive strategies to help grieving individuals recognize, validate, and resolve such complicated reactions.
September 18, 2018
Recent tragedies have caused many who work in hospice or a field related to death and dying to wonder how they would, or should, respond if a traumatic event occurred in their community. Join Dr. Anewalt, who also serves as a Disaster Mental Health Volunteer for the American Red Cross, as she addresses the phases of community tragedies, possible levels of involvement, and the reasons for and ways to obtain additional training.
Matt Metevelis, Spiritual Care Supervisor for Nathan Adelson Hospice, will provide a special presentation on how Nathan Adelson provided community support in the aftermath of the October 2017 Las Vegas shooting.
October 16, 2018
Using a case study approach, this webinar will address pain management at the end-of-life, including issues surrounding the use of opioids, communication with patients and families, regulations, policy, and drug monitoring systems.