“I believe that Center for Hospice Care saved my life,” Perrin said as she reflects upon the impact of the grief counseling that she received from Center for Hospice Care’s (CHC) Life Transition Center. “I was overwhelmed with grief. I don’t know what I would have done."
Category: News & Articles
Education – Honoring Choices® Indiana – North Central: Here to Help Document Your Medical Wishes
The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened public awareness of the need for advance directives. One of the most important things to do while you are healthy is to let your loved ones know what your health care wishes are. Having these conversations provides you and your loved ones with peace of mind. Honoring Choices® Indiana –...
Education – Introduction to Hospice and Palliative Care Course at the University of Notre Dame
A course about the delivery of compassionate care to those suffering life-limiting illnesses was highly appropriate as COVID-19 made its way across the US this spring. “Introduction to Hospice and Palliative Care,” offered by the University of Notre Dame in conjunction with Center for Hospice Care (CHC), used lectures, films and a mock interdisciplinary team...
Education – Panel Discussions go Virtual
Support from the Vera Z. Dwyer Charitable Trust has allowed the Center for Education & Advance Care Planning (CEACP) to transition its trusted advisor panel discussions to a virtual platform with ease. Due to the impact of COVID-19, CEACP decided that getting expert advice on how to facilitate conversations surrounding end-of-life planning was more important...
Education – Mardi Gras- Themed “Death by Chocolate
The Center for Education & Advance Care Planning (CEACP), thanks to the generous donations of the Vera Z. Dwyer Charitable Trust, has created a series of educational community events that engage adults in our service area in normalizing conversations about end-of-life. These family-friendly events, such as “Death by Chocolate,” combine information and fun conversations that...
Partnerships in Caring – The Challenge of COVID-19 in Uganda
In June, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a study showing that prevention and treatment for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) had been severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU) is working to ensure this is not the case in Uganda.
A Look Back – 15th Lube-a-Thon for Hospice Continues a Tradition of Giving
COVID-19 brought the Hospice Foundation’s in-person events to a screeching halt earlier this year. But a global pandemic couldn’t stop Tom’s Car Care Center (TCCC) from holding their 15th Lube-a-Thon for Hospice event on July 31! Deemed an essential business, Tom’s, along with their associated businesses The Waterworks Car Wash and The Coffee Spot Café,...
A Look Back – Improving the Quality of Living from the Outside In
With a mission “to improve the quality of living,” it only made sense for Center for Hospice Care to jump on an opportunity like the one that knocked on our door – literally, our back door. The City of Mishawaka and the Mishawaka Parks and Recreation Department crowdfunded in the winter of 2018 to build...
Mishawaka Police Department’s “No Shave November” Raises Money for Center for Hospice Care
For the second year in a row, officers from the Mishawaka Police Department, will put away their razors in November to raise funds to support Center for Hospice Care.
Center for Hospice Care Expands “We Honor Veterans” Program
Center for Hospice Care (CHC) is proud to be part of the “We Honor Veterans” program, a collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. Its purpose is to raise awareness among veterans of the end-of-life services and benefits available to them. CHC is also proud to be...