Road to Hope Camp is Here!

Road to Hope Camp is Here!

This will be quick, but I want to say, I did not go swimming last night! Rose picked me up along with her neighbor and we went to the pool, but thankfully her neighbor was not keen on swimming. I had to admit I was tired and hungry so we opted for getting some chips (French fries) and beer and sat by the pool. I do think “the swimming” will happen later on in my visit, because Rose really wants to go and have companionship.

This morning was our last meeting for the camp. The list of “things to do” is growing longer, but we are all at work on various tasks. Two children will arrive early tonight – two girls who are currently in Kampala being treated for eye issues. They will go for follow up examinations early tomorrow morning. The children from the north will leave at 9:00 tonight arriving in Kampala around 5:00 – 6:00 A.M. We plan to be at the conference center where the children will stay to greet them. Hopefully all the children will have arrived by 3:00 P.M. when some activities begin. We leave for the Recreation Center Friday at 7:00 A.M. The upcoming days will be active and busy! All the staff are involved and committed to making this a positive experience for the children.

Keep us in your prayers that all goes well and the staff’s energy can keep up with the children – some of whom are young adults.

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